Goldy's Musings

Jamming with His Majesty, Part 1

So as I mentioned in my first post, I wish to take part in the Worm Jam and have plans to make a dungeon for it. Since I'm a lazy bum I want this to be a dungeon that will be useful to me personally so I'm going to make it for my underwater sandbox that I've been plucking away at for a while now, but I imagine with some imagination most should be able to slot it into any large enough bodies of water or strange whimsical places where the next level of the dungeon being inside a giant fish submarine may be delightfully surprising rather than off putting.

The Location

As above the dungeon will be the inside of a rather sizable fish which an ancient civilization turned into a mind-controlling prison barge-cum-cutting edge military dreadnought which allowed its overlords to become the greatest military power in the region. Also it's a Barreleye fish because I think they are weird and cool.

Barreleye Fish

The Backstory

The fish itself used to be a wild Leviathan of the Santis depths that relied on assimilating other lesser creatures to become its servants. This, when the creature still lived as a wild Leviathan came with some rather gruesome transformations, that completely changed the physiology of anyone or anything effected by it in a matter of days. Eventually the ancients nowadays only remembered as the Enlightened managed to subdue the creature and through their advanced sorcery and technology modified it to serve them. Initially it was meant to be a way for them to secure the seas around their underwater city the Pearl, but once they realized they could use the assimilating power of the Barreleye they quickly adjusted to getting political enemies exiled under false pretenses to serve on the Dreadnought. Over the centuries the ship built up a rather sizable crew which were immortal servants maintaining the in and outside of their home. Eventually the empire of the Enlightened fell and disappeared overnight. Leaving the Dreadnought to simply carry out its patrols eternally for a thousand years to come.


I love me some guiding themes for a dungeon and the Dreadnought has plenty that jump out quite easily.


Alright, so that's the general idea for the dungeon. The next steps will be figuring out the actual meat and potatoes of the whole thing. I don't really have a clear idea for the size of this place yet to be honest, but by dungeon standards I imagine it'll turn out to be sort of in the middle in terms of size. I need to figure out some active factions and what actually calls this place a home. The Crew are certainly going to be the main group of interest active within but a thousand years of mindless servitude is quite a long time, I wouldn't be surprised if other things managed to sneak in and set up shop within. For now that will be all though. Next time I'll be working on a monster for the dungeon most likely.