Goldy's Musings

The Start of a Journey

Well here I am, writing my first post for my very own little piece of the internet. I don't have a strong direction for the blog just yet but I do at least have a couple things I want to work on that might help find one as I go along.

First, I wish to take part in Worm Jam a game jam hosted by the creator of His Majesty the Worm, Joshy McCroo otherwise known as Rise Up Comus. I've been a little obsessed with HMtW since it released and especially so since I actually managed to grab a physical copy of the game. It's an excellent lovingly crafted system with a writing style that makes my ADHD brain not bounce off of it immediately (like it does with most games) feeling more like the author is sitting with you and explaining the game to you (making sure to go off on short but delightful snippets about the world). Suffice to say... I quite like it, enough that I would like to help contribute to others learning about it and hopefully trying it themselves. So to that end I'll be making... something for it, likely a dungeon with a couple beasties.

Second, I hope to use the blog to get back to writing something I've been having some trouble with recently, my setting and the games I hope to run in it soon, most of my writing even when it comes to things like the above mentioned dungeon will be rooted in my setting since it's the only one I really have much interest in expanding, but much of it will hopefully be easy enough to transplant into other settings to be useful to others still. I'll likely make some kind of a master post for it to explain the place a bit better.

Third, I would maybe like to try my hand at making informal reviews, focusing on the positives I see in the things I read rather than the negatives. I personally feel there is too much negativity in this hobby, and while I think it's important to expect a certain degree of quality from the things we dosh out some hard earned money for, I feel like there are people who are better at giving well rounded critiques than I so I hope people will find some value in the angle I wish to provide. Though that said I'm infamously bad at sticking to my own guidelines so who knows maybe I will indulge in some critiquing here and there.

So yeah, that's the plan for now, we'll see if I manage to stick to it at all.